The word void means “empty space,” as per the dictionary. “Nothing” in programming is returned when there is no result to return.
We’ll be covering the following topics in this tutorial:
What does “javascript:void(0)” mean?
The undefined value is returned when evaluating an expression with the void operator. Generally, this operator indicates an undefined value, almost always using ” void(0)”. (which is equivalent to “void 0”). The acronym is frequently used with hyperlinks. Typically, the browser loads a new web page when it loads a new webpage. Using Javascript’s void(0), you can show a page won’t refresh or load when a link is clicked.
We can use the operand 0 in two ways that are void(0) or void 0. Both of these methods are the same. The JavaScript function:void(0) tells the browser not to do anything, i.e., to restart the browser. It makes it easier for readers to find certain parts of the webpage without having to reload. So, using void(0) on such links prevents the reloading of the page but allows to perform a useful function such as updating a value on the webpage.
It is also used to prevent unwanted redirecting of the page.
An explanation is provided here: void operator.
It will help if you use the href attribute on links because a javascript: URL will force a browser to display the plaintext version of the result of evaluating that script. If the search returns no results, then the browser goes on to the same URL. “Void” is a small and simple script that resolves to undefine.
What is the use of void 0?
The HTML author is improperly using the unclickable anchor element in place of the functional button element. Developers often abuse anchor tags to create pseudo-buttons by setting hrefs to “#” or “javascript:void(0)” to prevent the page from refreshing.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>javascript:void(0)" Example</title> </head> <body> <a href="javascript:void(0);" ondblclick="alert('Double Click Me')">Double Click Me</a> </body> </html>