Including larger images in web pages increases the loading time. You can resize your images by using the height and width attributes but still the full size image is downloaded. Decreasing loading time is one of the major aspects of web designing. Instead of using a large image you can include a small version of the actual image called thumbnail which is also a link to the larger version including thumbnails, visitors have a choice whether to see the actual image or not.
To create thumbnails use any image-editing software to resize the actual image to a much smaller size and save it with a different name. Now in the <IMG> tag include the thumbnail image instead of the actual one and add a link from the thumbnail to the larger image. To create effective thumbnails; reduce both the dimensions and the actual file size to the smallest possible value. The following line of code creates a thumbnail of the actual image” hlpglobe1.gif “.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>BASIC IMAGE TAGS</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P>The Convair 580 in Quebec city after the October 2001 research flight.<BR><BR> <A HREF="c:\windows\hlpglobe1.gif " > <IMG SRC="c:\windows\hlpglobe.gif " BORDER="10" > </A> </BODY> </HTML>
The Thumbnail” hlpglobe.gif” is linked to the original image by using “href” attribute in the anchor tag.