Also known as vector graphics, object-oriented graphics are shapes represented with mathematical formulas. (This is very different from bitmapped graphics, in which the image is mapped to the pixels on the screen, dot by dot.)
In a program that uses object-oriented graphics, each separate element you draw-every circle, every line, and every rectangle-is defined and stored as a separate object. Each object is defined by its vector points, or end points. Because each graphic object is defined mathematically, rather than as a specific set of dots, you can change its proportions, or make it larger or smaller, or resize it, stretch it, rotate it, change its pattern, etc
without distorting the line width or affecting the object’s sharpness and clarity (the resolution). Because each object is a separate entity, you can overlap objects in any order and change that order whenever you feel like it. To select a graphical object in an object-oriented graphics program, you usually just click on the object with the pointer. When you select it, a set of handles, little black squares, appear on or around the object (compare marquee). By dragging the handles, you can change the size or shape of the object or the curviness of any curved lines. You can also copy or cut a selected object to the Clipboard, or move it around on the screen, without disturbing any other object
The resolution of object-oriented graphics is device independent. This means that if you print a graphic image to a printer that has a resolution of 300 dots per inch, the graphic will print at 300 dots per inch. If you print the same image to an image setter that has a resolution of 2540 dots per inch, the graphic will print at 2540 dots per inch. (Bitmapped graphics, though, always print at the same resolution.)
Fonts, or typefaces, can also be objected-oriented, but they’re not usually referred to this way-instead, such fonts are also known as outline fonts, scalable fonts, or vector fonts.