When an element of a structure has to be accessed through pointer, then the → operator is used. It is essential to initialize the pointer before it accesses any structure element.
node *loc; start = new node; start→bal = 15;
The program inputs the details of products namely Product number, Product name, Cost price and selling price. It also displays the details of the products.
Input and Output:
#include <iostream.h> const int size=20; struct r1 { int Prodno; char Prodname[size]; float Cprice; float Sprice; }; void main() { r1 p1; int I; for(I=1;I<=3;I++) { cout<<" enter the product number "; cin>>p1.Prodno; cout<<" enter the product name "; cin>>p1.Prodname; cout<<" enter the cost price "; cin>>p1.Cprice; cout<<" enter the selling price "; cout<<"\n"; cin>>p1.Sprice; cout<<"Product Number "<<p1.Prodno<<"\n"; cout<<"------------------------"; cout<<"\n" ; cout<<"Name of the product "<<p1.Prodname<<"\n"; cout<<"Cost Price "<<p1.Cprice<<"\n"; cout<<"Selling Price "<<p1.Sprice<<"\n"; } }
enter the product number 100
enter the product name Pentium
enter the cost price 50000
enter the selling price 55000
Product Number 100
Name of the product Pentium
Cost Price 50000
Selling Price 55000
enter the product number 200
enter the product name Laser Printer
enter the cost price 28000
enter the selling price 30000
Product Number 200
Name of the product Laser Printer
Cost Price 28000
Selling Price 30000
enter the product number 300
enter the product name Mouse
enter the cost price 2500
enter the selling price 2580
Product Number 300
Name of the product Mouse
Cost Price 2500
Selling Price 2580