There are Many Operating Systems those have be Developed for Performing the Operations those are requested by the user. There are Many Operating Systems which have the Capability to Perform the Requests those are received from the System. The Operating system can perform a Single Operation and also Multiple Operations at a Time. So there are many types of Operating systems those are organized by using their Working Techniques. [Read more…] about Types of Operating System
First Come First Serve(FCFS) Scheduling
It termed as First Come First Serve (FCFS) Scheduling. As its name implies, the process which arrives first in front of CPU for processing, then that process executed first. It is a non-preemptive scheduling algorithm which means in this priority of processing does not matter, i.e., whatever the priority may be the process executed in the manner they arrived. [Read more…] about First Come First Serve(FCFS) Scheduling
Write Short Note on Shortest Seek Time First or SSTF
In this Technique The Operating System will Search for the Shortest time means this will search which job will takes a Less Time of CPU for Running. And After Examining all the jobs, all the Jobs are arranged in the Sequence wise or they are Organized into the Priority Order. [Read more…] about Write Short Note on Shortest Seek Time First or SSTF
What is Round Robin Scheduling (RRS)? – Definition & Example
Definition: Round robin scheduling is the preemptive scheduling in which every process get executed in a cyclic way, i.e. in this a particular time slice is allotted to each process which is known as time quantum. Every process, which is present in the queue for processing, CPU is assigned to that process for that time quantum. Now, if the execution of the process gets completed in that time quantum, then the process will get terminate otherwise the process will again go to the ready queue, and the previous process will wait for the turn to complete its execution. [Read more…] about What is Round Robin Scheduling (RRS)? – Definition & Example
Write Short Note on C-Scan Scheduling
In the C-Scan all the Processes are Arranged by using Some Circular List. Circular List is that in which there is no start and end point of the list means the End of the List is the Starting Point of the list. In the C-Scan Scheduling the CPU will search for the Process from Start to end and if an End has Found then this again start from the Starting Process. [Read more…] about Write Short Note on C-Scan Scheduling
What is MUTEX
Mutex is a program object that allows multiple program threads to share the same resource, such as file access, but not simultaneously. When a program is started a mutex is created with a unique name. After this stage, any thread that needs the resource must lock the mutex from other threads while it is using the resource. The mutex is set to unlock when the data is no longer needed or the routine is finished.
What is Fragmentation? Different Types of Fragmentation
Fragmentation occurs in a dynamic memory allocation system when many of the free blocks are too small to satisfy any request. [Read more…] about What is Fragmentation? Different Types of Fragmentation
What is Semaphore
Semaphores are often used to restrict the number of threads than can access some (physical or logical) resource. [Read more…] about What is Semaphore
What is Process ? Explain Process Scheduling
A Single Process may also contain sub Processes those are also known as the Child Process. So that we can say that a Process which is given to the System is also known as the Parent Process and all the other Parts of the Single Process are known as the Child Process. So that Every Process may also Contains Some Child process. [Read more…] about What is Process ? Explain Process Scheduling
Explain Various Process States
A process which is Executed by the Process have various States, the State of the Process is also called as the Status of the process, The Status includes whether the Process has Executed or Whether the process is Waiting for Some input and output from the user and whether the Process is Waiting for the CPU to Run the Program after the Completion of the Process. [Read more…] about Explain Various Process States
What do you mean by Process Management
Process: Process is the job which is the under Execution. Process is also known as the Running Job. For Execution there must be a System call which call the Processor or CPU for Performing any Operation. Process includes reading data from a File, Writing a Data from a File, Printing a document means to Say any Type of Operation is known as the Process. Every Process has some Attributes Like [Read more…] about What do you mean by Process Management
How Deadlock Prevention & Avoidance
After Detecting the Deadlock, we must have to Apply Some Conditions for Removing a Deadlock. After Examining the Four Conditions which Occurs deadlock. Means Detect how and why a deadlock has occurred. Avoidance and Prevention means handle the Deadlock or Remove the Deadlock. Or Make a Program to handle the Deadlock. Various Ways for handing a deadlock. [Read more…] about How Deadlock Prevention & Avoidance
What is Dead Lock
Dead-Lock is occurred in multiple users Computing Environment. As we know that there is Many Number of users those are going to perform their Transactions. Dead-Lock has occurred when two or More Users are requesting for data item or for a Resource of System for example two or more users Request for the Printers at a Same Time and When Dead-Lock has occurred.
All the users will be on Wait State Means, No user can get the resource of the System. Or Dead-Lock is occurred when two or More Requests are waiting for Some Operation Which is not possible. There is also Some Situation When the Problem of Dead Lock has occurred. There are Following Conditions for a Deadlock has Occur:-
1) Circular Wait:- When two or More Requests are Waiting For a Long Period of Time and no one can Access the Resource from the System Resources , Then this is called as Circular Wait For Example if two or more users Request for a Printer, at a Same Time , they Request to Print a Page. Then they will be on the Circular Wait. Means System Will Display Busy Sign of Sign.
2) Partial Allocation: – After Processing the Request, if a user doesn’t leave the Resource of the System, then we cant use the Resource of the System. Then in this Situation when the other users, Request for the Resource then the other users, will also be on the Waiting State. Then this will create the Deadlock.
3) Mutual Exclusive:- When a Single Process is used by two or more Processes, Means a Single Resource if used for performing the two or more activities as a Shared Based. But this is will Also Create a Problem because when a Second user Request for the System Resource which is being used by the user.
4) HOLD and Wait:- A Single Process may need two or more System Resources. And suppose if a Process have a Single Resource, and he is waiting the Second Resource. Then Process can’t Leave the first Resource and waiting for the Second Resource. So that there will also be the Condition of Deadlock.
5) No Preemption:- if there is no Rule to use the System Resources. Means if all the System Resources are not allocated in the Manner of Scheduling. Then this will also create a Problem for a Deadlock because there is no surety that a Process will Release the System Resources after the Completion. So Preemption and Transaction Rollback prevents Deadlock situation.
For Avoiding a Dead Lock First of all we have to detect Dead-Lock Means Firstly we have to detect why and how a Deadlock has occurred and Then Avoid or Solve the Problems those are Occurred due to Occurrence of Deadlock.
What is the difference between a ‘thread’ and a ‘process’
A process is a collection of virtual memory space, code, data, and system resources. A thread is code that is to be serially executed within a process. A processor executes threads, not processes, so each application has at least one process, and a process always has at least one thread of execution, known as the primary thread. [Read more…] about What is the difference between a ‘thread’ and a ‘process’
Describe the Commands in DOS? Name the Commands with their Syntax
DOS commands are small programs, which are made to perform a particular job. Every DOS command performs different task. It is not possible to work on the computer without these commands. There are two types of DOS command. [Read more…] about Describe the Commands in DOS? Name the Commands with their Syntax
Explain various Computer Languages
Languages are used for Communication with the System. As we know that there are also Some Human Languages like English, Punjabi and Hindi those are used for Communicating with the Other Humans. As we know that different Humans Understands different Languages. [Read more…] about Explain various Computer Languages
What are BCD numbers
Meaning of BCD – “Binary Coded Decimal”, is a method that use binary digits 0 which represent “off” and 1 which represent “on”. BCD has been in use since the first UNIVAC computer. Each digit is called a bit. Four bits are called a nibble and is used to represent each decimal digit (0 through 9). [Read more…] about What are BCD numbers
What is EBCDIC(Extended Binary Coded Decimal Inter change code)?
EBCDIC(pronounced “ebb see dick”) is short for extended binary coded decimal interchange code is eight bits, or one byte, wide. This is a coding system used to represent characters-letters, numerals, punctuation marks, and other symbols in computerized text. A character is represented in EBCDIC by eight bit. EBCDIC mainly used on IBM mainframe and IBM mid-range computer operating systems. Each byte consists of two nibbles, each four bits wide. The first four bits define the class of character, while the second nibble defines the specific character inside that class. [Read more…] about What is EBCDIC(Extended Binary Coded Decimal Inter change code)?
Explain ASCII, Unicode and Gray Code
ASCII : ASCII codes represent text in computers, communications equipment, and other devices that work with text. ASCII, pronounced “ask-ee” is the acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It’s a set of characters which, unlike the characters in word processing documents, allow no special formatting like different fonts, bold, underlined or italic text. ASCII is computer code for the interchange of information between terminals. [Read more…] about Explain ASCII, Unicode and Gray Code
What is Access Method? Explain Different type of Access Methods
In computing, an access method is a program or a hardware mechanism that moves data between the computer and an outlying device such as a hard disk (or other form of storage) or a display terminal. [Read more…] about What is Access Method? Explain Different type of Access Methods
How can you classify Storage Devices? What are its different types elaborate?
Storage Device is a device for recording (storing) information (data). Recording can be done using virtually any form of device is a hardware device capable of storing information. There are two storage devices used in computers; a primary storage device such as computer RAM and a secondary storage device such as a computer hard disk drive. [Read more…] about How can you classify Storage Devices? What are its different types elaborate?
What is a Printer and what are the different types of Printers?
Printers are Output devices used to prepare permanent Output devices on paper. Printers can be divided into two main categories :
Impact Printers : In this hammers or pins strike against a ribbon and paper to print the text. This mechanism is known as electro-mechanical mechanism. They are of two types. [Read more…] about What is a Printer and what are the different types of Printers?
Read Only Memory. What are the types of ROM
ROM Definition: It is an example of nonvolatile memory. ROM full form is Read Only Memory. It is a class of storage medium used in computers and other electronic devices. Read Only Memory (ROM), also known as firmware, is an integrated circuit programmed with specific data when it is manufactured. The instructions for starting the computer are housed on Read only memory chip. [Read more…] about Read Only Memory. What are the types of ROM
What is CISC and RISC? Explain RISC in detail
CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) : It was developed by Intel. CISC is a type of design for the computers. CISC based computer will have shorter programs which are made up of symbolic machine language. [Read more…] about What is CISC and RISC? Explain RISC in detail
Different Types of RAM? Explain in Detail
Random Access Memory (RAM) is the best known form of Computer Memory. The Read and write (R/W) memory of a computer is called RAM. The User can write information to it and read information from it.With Ram any location can be reached in a fixed ( and short) amount of time after specifying its address. [Read more…] about Different Types of RAM? Explain in Detail
What is Flash Memory? – Definition
Definition: Flash memory (Known as Flash Storage) is a type of non-volatile storage memory that can be written or programmed in units called “Sector” or a “Block.” Flash Memory is EEPROM (Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) means that it can retain its contents when the power supply removed, but whose contents can be quickly erased and rewritten at the byte level by applying a short pulse of higher voltage. This is called flash erasure, hence the name. Flash memory is currently both too expensive and too slow to serve as main memory. [Read more…] about What is Flash Memory? – Definition
What is Dot-Matrix Printer?
Until now you may have not seriously considered using a printer. After all, if you do not use your personal computer to play or to calculate your family budget you do not really need a hard copy of what is displayed on the screen. [Read more…] about What is Dot-Matrix Printer?
Input and Output Devices of Computer
The devices which are used to input the data and the programs in the computer are known as “Input Devices“. or Input device can read data and convert them to a form that a computer can use. Output Device can produce the final product of machine processing into a form usable by humans. It provides man to machine communication. Some of the I/O devices are explained below: [Read more…] about Input and Output Devices of Computer
What are Pits and Lands in CD’s
All Optical media (CD, DVD, Blu-Ray etc.) have pits and lands. These are microscopic and represent the binary information of the data stored on the disc. A land is reflective and reflects the laser into a sensor to register it as a I, but when the light hits a pit, it shatters and no reflection is received, thus a O is registered. [Read more…] about What are Pits and Lands in CD’s
Register – What is Registers? Types of Registers
Register are used to quickly accept, store, and transfer data and instructions that are being used immediately by the CPU, there are various types of Registers those are used for various purpose. Among of the some Mostly used Registers named as AC or Accumulator, Data Register or DR, the AR or Address Register, program counter (PC), Memory Data Register (MDR) ,Index register,Memory Buffer Register. [Read more…] about Register – What is Registers? Types of Registers