According to computer notes, Google Plus allows visitor to share photos similar to face book, share weblinks or other links and videos with family friends and Relatives. The main difference between Google+ and other social networking sites are that the user’s target their post with specific crowed instead of everyone”.
Google plus allows us video chat and Text messaging features that allow conversations with up to ten people at once.At Prensent time the service is only available to a limited number of person but Google say to open a public version in the next months.
First features include:
Circles – Easy way to arrange your contacts into social network. It simply helps in managing to you keep work contacts, family members and friends separately and allows you to segment your social contacts even further.
Hangouts – video chat for friends Group and family group which is also considered a major feature over Facebook. Google PLus is a quick way to upload your phone pictures to a private, centralized album. It is currently compatible with Google Android phones but Google’s Future plans to bring it to other phones as well.
Sparks – It suggests content based on your interests. You can share this content with certain Circles or friends instead of all of your Google plus contacts at once.
Huddle – it support group text chat. This feature would come in use, when deciding a movie with a group of person or friends.