Algorithm For ReverseIT:
step 1: set s=”Dat saw 1was Tad”
step 2: set len=s.length()
step 3: create two character array c[], cl[] of size len
step 4: initialize i=0
step 5: repeat through step-7 while (i < len)
step 6: c[i]=s. charAt(i)
step 7: i=i+ 1
step 8: initialize j=0
step 9: repeat through step-11 while (j < len)
step 10: c1[j]=c[len-1-j]
step 11: j=j+ 1
step 12: string sl =new String(c1)
step 13: print sl
step 14: Exit
Here is the Java Example for ReverseIT:
public class ReverseIT
public static void main(String[] args)
String s="Dot saw I was Tod";
int len=s.length();
char[]c=new char[len];
char[]c1=new char[len];
for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
for(int j=0;j<len;j++)
String sl=new String(c1);