Type casting is the process of “casting”(Casting mean ‘conversion’ of value to another type) of value to one type to another type of variable.
Here is the Java Example for Type Casting:
class TypeCasting { public static void main (String args[ ] ) { int i=65; byte b; double d; char c; short s; float f; b= (byte) i; System.out.println("Byte of Integer "+i+ " is "+b); f= (float)i; System.out.println ("Float of Integer "+i+ " is "+f); c=(char) i; System.out.println("Char of Integer "+i+ " is "+c); f=(float)12.889775; d=(double)f; System.out.println("Double of Float "+f+ " is "+d); b=(byte)f; System.out.println("Byte of Float "+f+ " is "+b); i=(int)f; System.out.println("Int of Float "+f+ " is "+i); c='b'; d=(double)c; System.out.println("Double of Char "+c+ " is "+d); b=(byte)c; System.out.println("Byte of Char "+c+ " is "+b); i=(int)c; System.out.println("Int of Char "+c+ " is " +i); } }