Algorithm for Largest Number in an Array:
step 1: set big=0,small=0
step 2: read arr_size
step 3: create an integer array a[] of size arr_size
step 4: initialize x=0
step 5: repeat through step-7 while x less than a.length
step 6: read a[x]
step 7: x= x+ 1
step 8: Initialize x=0
step 9: repeat through step-12 while x less than a.length
step 10: print a[x]
step 11: print one space
step 12: x=x+1
step 13: initialize x=0
step 14: repeat through step-16 while x less than a.length
step 15: if a[x] greater than big then big=a[x]
step 16: x=x+1
step 17: print big
step 18: Exit
Here is the Java Example for Largest Number in an Array:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class LargestNumberinArray
public static void main(String args[])
int x,y,big=0,small=0;
Scanner sl=new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter The Size of Array : ");
int a[]=new int[y];
System.out.println("Enter The Elements");
System.out.println("\n Print The Elements of Array \n" );
System.out.print(a[x]+" ");
System.out.println("Largest Number in an Array is : "+big);