Google Fonts are a service offered by Google. Gallery on Google Web fonts (GWF) and @font-face rule or other paying methods such as Typekit, WebINK, Fontdeck,, webfonts, , Webtype, or Fontspring being expanded considerably in recent months, which allow the use of google fonts hosted on their servers.
It starts to become an invaluable resource for HTML web page designers. With the “Google web font’s library”, you will have access to over 573 google fonts.The Google fonts directory allows you to browse all the fonts available via Google Web Fonts API. All google fonts in the directory are available for use on your website under an open source license. “Google Web Fonts (GWF)” or Typekit are systems which allow the use of fonts hosted on their servers and is supported by nearly all modern browsers..
Google has worked with a number of talented designer fonts to produce a diverse collection of high-quality fonts open source – Free-for Google fonts directory. With the Google Font API, using these fonts on your web page is almost as easy as using a font called standard. For years, the Web has lagged behind printing and typographical sophistication. Web fonts made possible thanks to CSS3, are hosted in the cloud and sent to browsers as needed.
We’ll be covering the following topics in this tutorial:
Download Google Web Fonts on your computer
If you want to retrieve an entire collection of Google fonts (font) for use directly on your computer (with MSWord or Adobe Photoshop for example, not only direct call to your web pages), you have two implementation methods:
* Web font embedding services
* Embedding fonts using @font-face rule
Method “drone“, which is to go to the Google Fonts directory to make your favourite typefaces (or fonts) selection, Once you have collected the desired fonts, and then click on the link “Download your collection” to get a zip with TTF format fonts of your choice.
Method “big nag” who is to visit the Google Fonts directory and using leeches tools like HTTrack or wget to retrieve all of a collection (size around 700 MB).
Once you get TTF Format Google Fonts, you just have to copy them to your directory “Fonts” on your computer and you will have all fonts offered by Google on your local computer! No license or other problem, all fonts are free, so you can go!
Google Fonts integration of a website
Add Google fonts on your site with the new Google API, easy to implement using a simple CSS file. The Google Font API provides a simple, compatible with all browsers, to use any font in the catalogue hosted on your Web page.
Google provides the ability to embed a google fonts in a website simply by using a line of code to place in your <head>. This method is sometimes criticized for its loading time, especially when using multiple fonts simultaneously. Let’s be honest, in general, it should not use more than three different fonts on a website … In addition, a small counter tells you the approximate time of loading your fonts, allowing you to act better.
Placing it in the header of your web pages – Between <head> and </ head>.
<link href=’’ rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’>
This will give something like:
<Html lang=”en”>
<Meta charset=”utf-8″ />
<Title> Google web fonts </ title>
<link href=’’ rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’>
</ Head>
<p> body of the document </ p>
</ Body>
Now that the Font or (Fonts) of characters we selected Google web fonts are linked to our pages, it remains for us to apply this style to the elements. We use style sheets – CSS – for this task.
Font-family: ' Paprika ', cursive;
Font-family: 'Cutive', serif;
In conclusion, to take advantage of the Google Fonts API, just create a link to the desired font, and connect with font-family. And that's it!
Google Web Fonts and Edge Web Fonts embedding services
Today, we’re happy to announce that each one the google fonts within the Google Web Fonts directory also are obtainable via Adobe’s new Edge Web Fonts service. And on the heels of the recent unharness of supply Sans professional, another Adobe designed open supply font, ASCII text file professional, is available nowadays from each Google Web Fonts and Edge Web Fonts.