When number of operators occurs in an expression the operator which is to be evaluated first is judged by applying priority of operators. The arithmetic operators available in C are
+ used for Addition
– used for Subtraction
* used for Multiplication
/ used for Division
% used for Modulus operation. In other words operator used to remainder after division
When all this is used in an expression in a C program then the operator priority is applied in the following order namely
* followed by
/ followed by
% followed by
+ and this followed by –
Example to understand the concept of priority of operators is
main() { int a; a=5 + 7 – 8 * 10 / 5 % 10; printf(“a=%d”,a); } The output of the above program is a=6 , This occurs as follows: a=5 + 6 – 80 / 5 % 10 (since * is operated first) a=5 + 6 – 16 % 10 (/ is operated) a= 5 + 7 - 6 (% is calculated) a= 12 - 6 (+ is operated) a=6