[Read more…] about c program to delete a substring from a text
c program to read a text, delete all the semicolons it has, and finally replace all ‘.’ with a ‘,’
C Program to Implement a Quiz Program
It is a program for a basic quiz on the C Programming Language. It can be updated to turn into a quiz on any subject. It uses a function, switch case, and loop. [Read more…] about C Program to Implement a Quiz Program
C program to extract the substring from a given string
C program to read, display, add, and subtract two distances. Distance must be defined using kms and metres
C program to Allocate space dynamically for the array
c program to implement shell sort
c program to implement radix sort algorithm
c program to insert a number at a given location in an array
C Program to Merge two Unsorted Arrays
In this tutorial, we can learn c program to merge two unsorted arrays. In this c program, we enter two unsorted array elements are merge them into one array. [Read more…] about C Program to Merge two Unsorted Arrays
c program to delete a number from an array that is already sorted in ascending order
C program to delete a number from a given location in an array
C program to implement binary search
C program to insert a number in an array that is already sorted in ascending order
C program to find the array of integers contain a duplicate number
Three-Dimensional Arrays in C
A three-dimensional array is that array whose elements are two-dimensional arrays. In practice, it may be considered to be an array of matrices. A three-dimensional array with int elements may be declared as below. [Read more…] about Three-Dimensional Arrays in C
C Program passing of more than one arrays to a function
The procedure of passing more than one arrays to a function is similar to the case of passing a single array. This is illustrated in Program. [Read more…] about C Program passing of more than one arrays to a function
C Program sorting of an int array using Insertion Method
Program sorts the integers in ascending order by using insertion method. The process of sorting starts with picking the second element which is arranged with respect to the first in the specified order (ascending or descending order). [Read more…] about C Program sorting of an int array using Insertion Method
C Program sorting of an int array using Bubble Sort
Suppose, we want to sort an array in ascending order. The elements with higher values will move back, while elements with smaller values will move to the front; the smallest element will become the 0th element and the largest will be placed at the end. The mechanism of sorting is explained below. [Read more…] about C Program sorting of an int array using Bubble Sort
C Program determination of arithmetic mean and standard deviation
Each element of an array is a variable of the type declared for the array. Thus, if an array is declared as int Array [n],all its n elements are of type int, and all the operations that can be done on variables of type int may be carried out on the elements of this array. The same holds for arrays of types float, double, and char. In Program integer array elements are subjected to arithmetic operations. [Read more…] about C Program determination of arithmetic mean and standard deviation
C Program finding of addresses of an array and its elements
When a program containing an array of size n is compiled, the compiler allocates n blocks of memory for the array for storing the values of its elements. The size of each block depends on the data type of the array. For example, for the array AR [ ] defined below, five blocks of memory are allocated and each block is of the size of the memory block for an integer (i.e., 4 bytes on a 32-bit system). [Read more…] about C Program finding of addresses of an array and its elements
C Program Maximum/Minimum Value in an Array
The maximum or minimum value may be determined by comparing the values of array elements. Let us assume that the maximum value is represented by ‘max’. The value of the first element of the array is assigned to max. [Read more…] about C Program Maximum/Minimum Value in an Array
C Program binary search of an array for a value
In case of large arrays, the method of comparing every array element with key as described above is rather inefficient. However, if an array is a sorted one, the search process can be considerably shortened by using binary search method. For the application of binary search the array should be first sorted. [Read more…] about C Program binary search of an array for a value
C Program sequential search of a value in an array
Searching an array for a value is the most common occurrence in programming as well as in real life. Often it is required to search a name in a list of names or search a roll number in a list of roll numbers. [Read more…] about C Program sequential search of a value in an array
C Program swapping of elements of two arrays
Any operation on an array has to be carried out element by element. It cannot be performed on the array as a whole. Therefore, in swapping also, an element of one array is swapped with an element of another array. The two may not have the same index value if you are not dealing with vectors and matrices. [Read more…] about C Program swapping of elements of two arrays
C Program input/output of an array with the help of a for loop
An array is similar to a list in which the objects are of the same type and stored in sequential memory blocks; this is the only relationship between the elements of an array. The input/output of values of elements of an array cannot be done as whole of array, but is carried out element by element. This may be done by accessing each element by its index value. Therefore, for large arrays, either a for loop or a while loop may be used for accessing each element for its input/output. For example, if elements of an array Array [4] having 4 elements are to be processed for input /output by user of a program, the program code may be written as follows: [Read more…] about C Program input/output of an array with the help of a for loop
What is Dynamic Vectors in C
As we know, a pointer to type T is analogous to an array of type T.A pointer can be used to represent a vector, as illustrated in Fig. When a pointer is declared, the memory is allocated only for the pointer variable. The memory for the array elements is usually allocated separately using dynamic memory allocation functions, namely, malloc or calloc. [Read more…] about What is Dynamic Vectors in C
What is Dynamic Arrays in C
An array is a powerful and easy-to-use data structure provided in the C language. We know that arrays provide easy access to their elements and entire arrays can be manipulated easily using loops. However, there are some drawbacks/limitations of arrays: [Read more…] about What is Dynamic Arrays in C
How to Pointer Assignment and Initialization in C
When we declare a pointer, it does not point to any specific variable. We must initialize it to point to the desired variable. This is achieved by assigning the address of that variable to the pointer variable, as shown below. [Read more…] about How to Pointer Assignment and Initialization in C
Multidimensional Arrays in C
C language permits the use of multidimensional arrays. It is easy to visualize arrays up to three dimensions. However, we may have difficulty in visualizing a four, five or in general, an n-dimensional array. [Read more…] about Multidimensional Arrays in C